How to Purge & Declutter Your Closet

Let’s clean our closets Ladies!

It’s 2022 y’all and it seems like it’s been forever since we’ve written a blog. But guess what, we’re back!
We are starting the New Year by making a commitment to you, our readers, to write and post exciting
informative pieces that will help you discover new fashion styles, trends and beauty tips. Our aim is to
help you master your Who, What, Where. WHO you are as it relates to fashion. WHAT is your personal
style and WHERE you should wear what?

So, let’s do this!

Every year we make New Year’s resolutions, promises to ourselves that we rarely keep. For 2022 rather
than making unfulfilled promises, let’s start by doing something very simple that makes us look great.
Now, I don’t know about you, but when I look great, I feel fabulous, I exude confidence making me feel
like I can conquer the world.
Wanna try this simple thing?
Here goes nothing!
It’s YOU, the simple thing is you, let’s take a look at your physical appearance. The way you are
dressing, the clothing you’re wearing, but more importantly, what’s hanging in your closet. Yesssss, your
clothes! Are they making you feel great?

Today let’s take a moment to PURGE OUR CLOSETS!
Rarely Used

This can be accomplished in 5 simple steps. Don’t think I will leave you all alone… No, I will be here to
guide you along the way.

Here we go!

1.Empty your closet!

Taking everything out all at once. This is the first step to style clarity. Make sure to gather your clothing from all areas of the house laundry, storage, etc. Not leaving anything out.

2. Try everything on!

Try on everything you haven’t worn recently. Yes, even that special occasion dress you’ve been saving for 5 years ‘just in case’. Guess what ladies? I perform this very task every year and it gets easier and easier. You wouldn’t believe how many ‘just in case’ items I have. The pieces I do not wear that does not fit anymore. What a total waste of closet space!

3. Sort each item into 5 piles. Love it, Maybe, Hate it, Seasonal, Donate.

Love it – You absolutely love it and want to put it on right now. It’s a keeper.

Maybe – Are you keeping it for sentimental reasons or because you spent a pretty penny on it? You’re not really sure how you feel. Maybe you’ll wear it again, maybe not. This piece must go in the donate pile.

Hate it – This is self-explanatory. If you hate it, donate it!

Seasonal – If you love it, but it’s just not the right season. Maybe its winter gear and the weather is hot.
Keep it, I have lots of cute sweaters and jackets that I absolutely Love.

Donate – Your last and final pile; the unsure, the hate and the don’t fit anymore clothing. Let’s donate,
donate, donate! Make someone’s day, it’s that simple.

4. Access what’s left!

Now, what do we do with the leftovers? You neatly organize them in your closets. Ready to match that
one off piece with something new. You now see what you have and can start to envision what goes with
what, how to accessorize and what do you wear and when. Your job now becomes easy. You are starting
with an almost blank canvas. You may choose to reinvent yourself, change up your look a bit and mix and match patterns. It’s like decorating your home. Look at fashion icons whose style you might admire or look at fashion magazine to see style options you Love. Then execute!

5. Visit Stylistic Ladies Boutique to shop!

Now that you’ve kinda envisioned the styles you love and want to try, come into The Boutique and allow
us to help you bring your style to life!

Let’s take some fashion risk is 2022!!

6 thoughts on “How to Purge & Declutter Your Closet

  1. Samantha L. Williams says:

    Happy that the blogs are back. This has been a great reminder for me to purge my closet. Helpful information.

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